Real Value IT Trademark List

Status: March 2015

Following is a partial list of Real Value IT company trademarks and registered trademarks in United States and the corresponding common-noun descriptors. Unregistered or pending trademarks bear the ™ symbol.

This list is updated from time to time. Failure by Real Value IT to list a particular trademark (registered or unregistered) is not a waiver of any Real Value IT rights.

Trademark        First-Mention Descriptor
FOO™ software; service; offering; package, application; solution; component; technology (as applicable)
ARTHA Ops™ software; service; offering; package, application; solution; component; technology (as applicable)
ARTHA Sales™ software; service; offering; package, application; solution; component; technology (as applicable)
TAB™ software; service; offering; package, application; solution; component; technology;
Self-Deploy 80 Contract 20™ tagline
Mantra For Actualizing Revenue Opportunities™ tagline
Creating a Revenue-Conscious enterprise™ tagline
Fulfillment Logistics Optimizer™ software; service; offering; package, application; solution; component; technology