Sales Realization Optimizer™

Whether  you  call  it an  "emerging discipline "or "a new management science" - the hybrid solutions based on mix of Revenue Management and Logistics optimization models are a reality today.

When total  demand  exceeds  what  a  particular  organization  can  produce  and / or  deliver in  a  period,  our  models attempt to answer the question "How do we optimize the Distribution Centers performance in shipping to  maximize revenue ?".  We have extended  the  Revenue  Management beyond the conventional boundaries. The  optimization  attempts  to  answer the question: "Given our operating constraints  in shipping during the period under  consideration, which  Sales Orders  do we deliver  to  generate  the highest  possible  revenue?"  While conventional Revenue Management solutions tend to generate higher revenues through price sensitivity,our solutions focus on customer's  sensitivity  to delivery  dates to manage the revenue streams  in the delivery horizon.